giovedì 3 novembre 2022

Eight Values of Freedom of Expression

 I think that the Eight Values ​​of Freedom of Expression provide a great way of allowing ourselves to value our freedom and express it in different ways. I think the majority of these theories are important in their own way. However, I do believe that some are more important than others. One of the theories that really resonates with me and my beliefs is Protect Dissent. The theory states that "The First Amendment Protects minority views, no matter how unpopular." I think that hearing this is very important because in some situations people might think that the government is going against them, versus helping them. The theory also allows you to disagree with the government, which results in protests, although some can possibly be more violent than most. In Steven Shiffrin's book Dissent, Injustice, and the Meaning of America, he shows several examples of how the First Amendment is used to allow us to express ourselves. Even if our thoughts are going against our government. The second theory that I am in favor of is to Promotes Tolerance. I agree with this Value of Freedom because it allows us to still keep our first amendment right of freedom of speech, but it does allow hate speech as an act of this freedom. I don't agree with hate speech and spreading harm or negative impact to others, but since it would embed our freedom of speech to get rid of it, I think people should be allowed to say what they want and have to deal with the possible repercussions of it afterward. An example of this theory is gratefully explored in Jack Balkin's book Living Organisms. In his book by him, he explores different ways how to challenge our Constitution. It is important that we are able to challenge our Constitution through our first amendment right so that if important issues come up in the future we are able to take them to higher-ups and possibly get them changed or a new law installed. The third and final theory with which I agree is Individual Self-Fulfillment. I agree with this theory because it wants us to express ourselves and leads to us creating our own identities. This theory also leads us to positive ways of thinking versus negative ones, which can lead us to people to connect with similar beliefs. The perfect example of how this theory is used is in C. Edwin Baker's book Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech. In his book by him, he expresses and critiques multiple theories and their use of them. Explaining how these theories came through by persuasiveness and a philosophical view as well. All of these theories are important in their own different way. They differentiate from each other as well as connect and flow from one another. As well as they all tie to our first amendment rights as American Citizens and protect our words and thoughts. The most important idea I learned from reading the Eight Values ​​of Freedom of Expression is to allow challenging things, whether it be the Constitution or something else, can always make a difference. 

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