sabato 10 dicembre 2022

EOTO Reaction: The Five Eyes

 EOTO Reaction: The Five Eyes

    While watching everyone's Each One Teach One presentation, one that really caught my eye was Maddie Berl's presentation on The Five Eyes. The Five Eyes is an alliance between five countries. Those five countries are the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia. This alliance began in 1946 when The United States and the United Kingdom after World War II. 

    Several years later in 1955, they added three other countries to join their alliance. The countries they added were New Zealand, Canada, and Australia. Thus creating the complete image of the Five Eyes. The alliance between these countries was able to spy on citizens in their own countries and collect information on them. 
  The power between these five countries is known to be one of the most secretive groups in history. The Five Eyes Alliance was so secretive that even some presidents didn't know about them. Although these countries are stronger than ever, it's questioned if this whole alliance is illegal. And I was surprised to learn in Maddie's presentation that this alliance is completely illegal. It violates our fourth and fifth amendment rights, which are the rights to privacy and your word.

    Although the Five Eyes alliance has been able to keep their secrets between the five of them for decades, someone has come out and attempted to reveal top-secret information regarding them. In 2013 a man by the name of Edward Snowden risked his entire career and life to share information that was being kept from other between the five countries. This did not go well for Snowden and he is currently living in Russia to keep himself from being prosecuted in the United States. 
    Overall I learned a lot from Maddie's presentation. If it wasn't for her presenting on The Five Eyes, I most likely would've never known about it. It's stories. like these that personally really fascinate me. And after being educated on this topic, I will likely do more research in the future. 


Maddie Berl EOTO Presentation

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