giovedì 1 dicembre 2022

The Progressive Era and the Modern First Amendment

     The Progressive Era 

    The Progressive Era was a time for change in the United States when it was needed and valued by many. An example of this can be seen when the 19th amendment took place and women received the right to vote. However, positive changes like this were overshadowed due to the fact that the United States's first amendment was being bent and changed to fight the values ​​of the government versus the citizens. An example of the government changing the first amendment is when DW Griffith's film The Birth of a Nation was released to the public in 1915. The government censored the film and banned it from being shown to audiences and the filmmakers followed this up by suing in court under the first amendment. However, it was argued in court that since The Birth of a Nation is a film based on actions and not speech, it is allowed to be censored. This is when the Speech/Action Dichotomy came into place with The Birth of a Nation being it's an example for cases to come in the future.

    During the Progressive Era, there were other events besides the  Speech/Action Dichotomy that came into play when challenging the first amendment. In 1917 America entered World War I and this was the same year that the Espionage Act came into place. This act made it illegal for people to say or write certain things that the Government did not agree with. While also making it easier to throw people in jail for doing so. This led to another act taking action in 1918 that challenged the rights of the first amendment. This was known as the Sedation Act.
    Reflecting on today's life, people are still being censored from using their first amendment right to freedom of speech. During the Progressive Era, people were being shut down due to their antiwar voices and opinions, just like the Espionage Act, it still happens today. On websites such as  and are full of strong anti-war voices. However, due to their unpopular beliefs, their voices aren't heard in the mainstream media as others are. I think that this is due to the unpopular opinion that leaders would rather have a war that will hopefully fix all their issues versus not having one at all. Personally, I have never heard of either of these websites before, but I do believe that it is important that people do have a voice and have it heard through mainstream media than not having one at all. 


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